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Reviews from Clients of Spooky2 Rife Training and Healing from Chronic Disease Consultation Services
D. and R. Branton,
Canada, October, 2022
"My wife and I attended a Spooky2 on-line seminar that Dr. Bill McGraw hosted as we had recently purchased the Gen X Pro. His expertise and professional approach lead us to consult remotely with him as to health treatment options. Dr. McGraw's extensive knowledge in both health and Spooky2 greatly assisted us to determine our specific health treatment programs. We have since purchased Spooky2 Scalar and Spooky2 Plasma and with his assistance we are able to confidently use this equipment. We highly recommend Dr. Bill McGraw! "
Casey B., USA
Oct, 2022
"I scheduled a zoom consult to answer a list of specific questions I had about using my Spooky2 rife machine and he was great. He answered all my questions and walked me through using the software in real time which was a much quicker way for me to learn the software than just searching around on the forums.He is a natural teacher and passionate about subjects he is interested in. I highly recommend listening to his videos he has posted online and if you have specific questions like me just schedule a zoom call with him."
M.A. Montout, USA
Nov, 2022
“Dr. McGraw you are a wealth of information and a God send. I had a consult regarding my Chronic Fatigue issues and using the Spooky 2. You gave me a number of suggestions related to each of my symptoms. The first 2 suggestions that I tried were game changers for me. I went from an energy level of 5/10 to 8/10 in 2 days.Thank you Dr. McGraw you are the best!”
The only reason why I put 2 days is because that’s how long the Glutathione patch took to come from Amazon:) That night after talking to you I used the restorative sleep program and for the first time in many years I woke up feeling refreshed. I added a vitamin B patch to the Glutathione patch and all I can say is that I haven’t felt this good in years. Thank you so much."
Stan Sadler, Kentucky, USA, July 2023
"I spoke with Dr Bill a couple of times in the past month regarding Spooky2 cancer treatments for my black lab. I am somewhat knowledegable with Spooky2, but I always learn a thing or two more with each seminar, training or consult with him. I feel right at home with Dr Bill as if talking to a friend. Whether you have questions or need answers for specific problems, I'm sure he can help you."
Branka M. Victoria, AUS, March, 2024
Dear Dr Bill
I wanted to thank you for your patience.
I have been contacted by the It team and James helped me to install it properly.
He was very patient , kind and knowledgeable and I would rate his service 10 out of ten, indeed !!!
Thank you very much again for recommending this awesome machine, I have already confirmed that it is working 100%, tested all my family so far and results totally corespondent with some recently done blood tests ( I don't trust anything coming from dr office, I pay and order my own testing)
Now, I am going to improve all my yellow results
Kind regards
Branka M.
Donna Zerger
USA, NOV., 2024
Dr McGraw
Just relaying my experience with working with James of the quantum device tech support. It took a while to hook up with him in China, but when I did he was very helpful and fixed the issues the device was having. He asked if I could give him a star rating...yes, 5 stars!
Thank you,
Donna Zerger
Lynda BlennerHassett
USA, Nov., 2024
Hi Dr Bill,
I just wanted to let you know that James did a really great job sorting out my computer problems. He had a nice manner, was quick, very knowledgeable, patient and sent through you-tube videos that explained things really well and made understanding the steps easier. I was really impressed with his professionalism.
John Rowse,
Western Australia, Dec, 2024
Dr Bill
Thanks so much Bill for your fast reponse to my 2 questions, and sending the file for English version of the 2023 software. And thanks again for your always helpful Spooky2 online training tips. Am now using Scalar for analysis and Central for treatment with positive results.
Got the QMA working great now and am astounded at the accuracy of this low cost analyzer with the 2023 software compared to an $80,000.00 German machine I was nearly talked into purchasing 8 years ago. Whew!
Keep up your good work,
John, (Brisbane, Australia)
Les, Texas, USA
October, 2022
"I am new to the Spooky family and I am comfortable with the technology. I believe I have the ability to become an advanced user, but trying to discover the ins and outs of the software, the file structure and all the various attachments and options from a standing start was an uphill battle. After sitting in on one of Dr. Bill's online Spooky lectures I decided that spending an hour or two with him online could flatten the learning curve. It did! Still a long ways to go but thanks to Dr. Bill's one-on one I am well on my way to maneuvering through the Spooky universe." "
Michael Kerr,
Florida, USA
October, 2022
"I reached out to Dr Bill for a consult regarding toxicit
I reached out to Dr Bill for a consult regarding toxicity concerns and he was quick to get me on his calendar. During the consult, he walked me through the ins and outs of navigating the terrain and gave me practical advice that I could put in place to help remedy my symptoms. Within a couple of weeks, the symptoms were completely gone. Im extremely appreciative of his expertise and highly recommend him for a health consultation. He is a true practitioner and its clear he is dedicated to healing his patients."
W.T., San Juan, PR, 2022
As a Spooky System owner for several years, and being also a health professional, it is important for me
to have the most reliable information about this technology, that can sometimes become a bit
That’s why in November 2022, I had a consultation with Dr. Bill McGraw. He answered all my questions
and described in detail how to design a protocol with the system. He shared valuable information
about its best use.
After browsing his new website, I know it will become a frequent tool to obtain relevant and innovative
reference for many health issues.
Shawn Phillips
Perfect Body Inc., California USA, Jan, 2023
As a health practitioner using frequency healing, it is important for me to get the best information possible in working with my clients. Dr. McGraw has been a valuable resource and I appreciate his input and feedback for various approaches and methods in using Spooky2 equipment. He is an important part of my team to devise and develop programs for my clients and myself. Thank you Dr. McGraw!
W.T., San Juan, PR, 2022
As a Spooky System owner for several years, and being also a health professional, it is important for me
to have the most reliable information about this technology, that can sometimes become a bit
That’s why in November 2022, I had a consultation with Dr. Bill McGraw. He answered all my questions
and described in detail how to design a protocol with the system. He shared valuable information
about its best use.
After browsing his new website, I know it will become a frequent tool to obtain relevant and innovative
reference for many health issues.
G. Novosad. Wharton, TX, USA. Dec, 2023
Dr. Bill, I wanted to tell you that I received the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer today and quickly got it installed. Both my wife and I have tested using it and are impressed with the detail and quantity of information.
In my case, you were correct. My numbers are high on mercury, lead, and aluminum. I will get to work on the Spooky2 tomorrow morning to lower these numbers.
tic Analyzer today and quickly got it installed. Both my wife and I have tested using it and are impressed with the detail and quantity of information.
In my case, you were correct. My numbers are high on mercury, lead, and aluminum. I will get to work tomorrow to begin lowering these numbers.
Randall B., USA
Septemebr, 2022
"My consultation with Dr. Bill changed everything for me and my healing process. After watching a few of his videos and tutorials online I knew I had to speak with him directly. And to my good fortune, he was accessible.
More than anything he gave me confidence and strengthened my mindset, that given the right knowledge of technology (in the case of the Spooky2 tech), nutrition and the proper use of certain supplements in the healing of my particular condition, which was/is an advanced case of skin cancer, that I indeed could heal myself.
I’ve taken advantage (so far) of probably 90% of what he recommended, to summarize briefly:
A. The use of supplemental Vitamin C for strengthening the vascular (veinous) system;
B. As a brand new user of the Rife (Spooky2) tech, I was using it, but still floundering wondering if I could really ‘figure it out’ to get maximum benefit. He helped give me the confidence to ‘dig in’ and figure stuff out, and as he claimed, it really does get much simpler once you just get engaged in the process of using it daily;
C. Nutritionally, what foods I needed to add, and also what I needed to eliminate (or minimize) in my daily routine. This included eliminating the things which cancer feeds off of. I’m not yet at 100%, but I’m getting there;
The two thing which I still need work on are:
1. Properly and totally alkalizing my blood and body chemistry;
2. Establishing a healthy emotional terrain (which includes where (and around whom) I live. I will be making a physical move next week, and am both excited and more relaxed in myself just knowing I’m making that move.
So, thank you, thank you, thank you, Doc McGraw. I do deeply and sincerely appreciate you and what you brought to my table.
Hope to speak with you again before too long!"
John D., USA. Dec, 2022
I came across the work of Dr McGraw while searching for detoxification methods. I found his website which included his email which is how I contacted him. Dr McGraw responded to my email quickly and has been nothing, but professional, punctual, fun to learn from and an abundance of extremely insightful information. Any questions I had regarding detox, Bill had an answer and a thorough one at that. I will undoubtedly continue to seek Bills opinion on future detox questions I may have. Thanks Bill.
Rod Thompson, Canada, May, 2023
My Wife was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer in May of 2020. The Oncologist immediately placed her on a regimen of hormone therapy, which they discontinued in December of 2022 ( it wasn’t doing anything). After trying (unsuccessfully) some oral chemo drugs, she was told she would be on chemo therapy every 3 weeks…for the rest of her life!
The cancer was on her breastbone and in her liver, so her prospects were looking grim. We explored a liver transplant but with no luck.
Then in early April of this year, I was connected to Dr. Bill McGraw. I was immediately impressed with his wealth of knowledge and expertise and the hope he offered using the Spooky 2 system.
So, we immediately invested in a Spooky 2 Central unit along with a GeneratorX Pro, Plasma Tube & Phanotron Tube. Dr. McGraw was most helpful in getting us all set up and working right away.
We had completed just 4 1-hour treatments when my Wife had her latest scans (MRI, CT + Bone Scan). The report from the radiologist said that “all tumours in the liver had decreased in size” most by one third to one half of the original size! And her last chemotherapy had been 5 weeks earlier, so it would have had little to no effect on this outcome!
We continue her treatments with the full expectation her cancer will be completely eradicated in the next couple of months!
Thank you, Bill,….look forward to hearing from you!
Linda Parrott, USA
Feb., 2024
I know I haven’t rescheduled with you (Im going to) but wanted to tell you that Ive ran the Quantum Analyzer report for myself for 3 months now. It shows 4 heavy metals pretty high from the beginning. Lead, Mercury, Arsenic and Aluminum. I have been consistent with drinking Medical Mediums heavy metal smoothie each morning. Each one of these metals is consistently going down! I was excited about this and wanted to share. Im going to add in other recommended heavy metal protcols (cleanse, etc.)
Once I get my GenX running and get what you told me to do I will schedule another session… Linda
everyone in my family is having me run their reports… it is consistent with medical issues they currently have.. that in and of itself has made us all believers!
N. Hopkins, LA, USA
August, 2022
"I have had two sessions with William McGraw and he has helped me understand the rife and scalar systems, as well as the software. Dr. McGraw is patient and understands the learning curve most of us have. I intend to have many more sessions with him."
J Larson, AZ, USA
May, 2022
"THANK YOU! I've seen over a dozen doctors & you're the first one who has been able to provide any cause for the issues I've been dealing with."
"I had the pleasure meeting with Dr. Bill McGraw.
It was very informative and helpful.
I've been using spooky2 for almost 2.5 years now, and although I gained lots of knowledge and success, it was very important to meet with him. Dr. Bill is not only expert with everything associated with the spooky2 software and mechanical issues, but he's also understanding health and well-being to the fullest extent and understanding.
During the meeting I felt comfortable and it is obvious that he's working with lots of good intentions and big hurt.
Thank you so much and I'm sure I'll be contacting you again." a
Ms. Anderson,
Arizona, USA
So grateful to have had the opportunity to consult with Dr Bill Mcgraw. I learned volumes in one short hour and can't wait to implement his suggestions. His knowledge of spooky was incredible and I trust his role in our healing will be very valuable.
Manzar Moezzi, Spain, Dec, 2022
I got in touch with Dr. McGraw for my friend's dog Rico, who has a cancerous tumor on his left kidney. Using Spooky2 I had reached a point where I didn't know what else to do for him. Dr. McGraw's experience with cancer patients and knowledge and understanding of Spooky2 enabled me to carry on with the treatment of Rico. DR. McGraw expanded my knowledge, showed me aspects and features of Spooky2 that I couldn't find anywhere else.
Galit Aronson,
Israel November,2022
Georgia Barberoglou,
Melbourne, Australia, May, 2023
My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer,16 months ago. At the clinic he was at, his doctor used Spooky2 on him. I decided to purchase some generators and saw Dr Bill in one of the online seminars and I said to myself, “he’s the one who can help me!”
I emailed and he responded straight away.
I have had 3 zoom consults with him, in the last three months, which he records by the way, thank God, as the time difference can be a little challenging for me at 6am in the morning, as well as the huge amount of information provided.
My husband had a cystoscopy and got the all clear from his doctor!
Dr Bill's wealth of knowledge, his "Type A personality’, as he calls himself, is absolutely brilliant!
My husband and I are both so grateful, for your guidance, support, protocols, tutorials, nutritional, vitamin, mineral suggestions, programs, Spooky2 product and usage guidance, etc, etc, etc.
Thank you for sharing your expertise and knowledge!
Keep up the amazing work 🙏🏼
Reviews from My Clients in Boquete, Panama

S. Olson, RN
"Dr Bill has helped us through many health challenges, from regular intestinal problems associated with parasites, lung infections to pain and inflammation. I have found that Dr. Bills knowledge of detox and Rife technology and reliable equipment was the answer to all of our health problems. Routine scans and treatments have helped both my husband John and I steer clear of any hospital visits and for this I am very, very thankful!"
D. Brewer, Entrepeneur
"My first time experiencing the power of Rife technology was when I was flat on my back for 2 weeks with a bad case of bronchitis. Dr Bill showed up at my house and treated me for 2 hours and the next day I was on my feet. That was 5 years ago already! Since then, Dr. Bills incredible knowledge of chronic disease and proper treatments have helped me heal from various skin problems, heavy metal toxicity and many other health issues. He also healed my dog from a bone infection due to a poorly conducted veterinarian surgery. What can I say, I strongly recommend Dr Bill and Rife technology."
AmandaRankin.com., Alternative Health Copywriter and Book Publisher
"I've been a patient of Dr. Bill McGraw for several years and I am continuously amazed at how he can kill parasites, knock out viruses, eliminate candida and kill bacteria.....all while I read a good book and relax!
Rife technology is a great way to diagnose what is going on inside of you when there is really no other way to know.
My visits have decreased to once per month to keep everything in check and I feel great.
He has treated a number of skin cancers successfully and I am confident he can handle whatever is going on with me.
We live in an age when technology can be so beneficial, so why not use it. I am a beliverer!"